If you’ve taken the time to decide which brow service is right for you and landed on microblading, you’ll need to know how to prepare for your microblading appointment. To achieve the best possible results in your microblading investment, it’s crucial to follow these steps and those of the microblading healing process.

Make Sure You Are Not Within a Microblading Contraindication
While microblading is an incredible procedure, it is not recommended for everyone. Before your microblading appointment, make sure you do not fall within any of the microblading contraindications:
Transmittable blood disease, HIV, or Hepatitis
Viral infections and or diseases
Organ transplant recipient
Pacemaker or major heart problems
Currently undergoing chemo
Pregnant or nursing
Prone to keloid scarring
Had Botox within 2 weeks from your scheduled appointment
Used Accutane in the past year
Sick with cold, flu, or sinus/respiratory infection (please reschedule your appointment and stay home to recover)
Skin irritations, including sunburn, rash, eczema, shingles, acne, or psoriasis near the treated area
Under age 18

Microblading Prep Timeline
Depending on your current skincare regimen, the prep for your microblading may begin as soon as two months prior. Review the prep timeline below to ensure you’re doing everything possible to care for your skin correctly before your microblading appointment.
2 Months Before Your Appointment
No chemical peels 60 days before or after the procedure (brows will peel quicker due to chemicals traveling under the skin)
2 Weeks Before Your Appointment
No Botox treatments should be done 3 weeks prior (or 4 weeks after) the procedure
No Retinols/Retin-A or other anti-aging/acne creams or serums containing acids (these will fade brows prematurely)
1 Week Before Your Appointment
No waxing or brow tinting 1 week before the procedure
No blood thinners (fish oil, vit E, omega 3, etc.), antibiotics, or steroids'
No tanning
2 Days Before Your Appointment
Stop taking aspirin, niacin, CoQ10, and ibuprofen 48 hours before the procedure
1 Day Before Your Appointment
No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before the procedure
Day of Your Appointment
Do not work out or sweat heavily the day of the procedure (or 2 weeks after)
Do not tan or have a sunburned face the day of the procedure
Prepare for the 10 day healing process by washing your hair to lengthen the time between washes. Washing your hair is the hardest part, but I will provide you with tools to help this process.
Read more about the healing process here.

After Care
Your post-care is equally as important as your preparation if you want to keep your microblading looking its best. Learn how to maintain, protect, and even enhance your brow game with a brow lamination with a tint.
Brows by Nat Will Help Keep Your Microblading Looking Its Best
If you’re ready for microblading or any other brow improvement services, it’s time for us to chat. You can book your appointment here, go online to get a quote, give me a call at 813-943-1279, or email me at BrowsByNatAZ@gmail.com.
I look forward to working with you on your bold new brow adventure!